
Black and White sheer fabric Top Hat. Always only one!

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Black White Sheer Top Hat is simply an amazing Top Hat.

Fun. Elegant. Feminine. Beautiful. A true winner in every sense.

Sheer embroidered black sinamay with a white shaped brim.

A satin ribbon finish to the gently curved elegant brim.

Applications of glass fabric leaves and beaded leaves add to the delicate trailing pattern across the crown of the hat.

And for fun a fluffy ostrich feather ball on the side of the hat in white.

Vintage black chenille veiling finishes the style of this piece.

Absolutely one only. Absolutely Derby Day!

Black White Sheer Top Hat is the perfect black and white hat for a sophisticated lady of style, made with the hat block called "Tilly".

This is a special price as the launch of my Hatporium shop.